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Pence on budget standoff - "Shut it down"
Pence on budget standoff - "Shut it down"
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) Says "Shut It Down"
CNN Official Interview: Rep. Pence on budget 'Cut it or shut it!'
GOP says "Shut it down!" - Not working toward solution
Pence: Time to Pick a Fight - Shut it Down
Government shuts down amid partisan standoff | ABC7
VP Pence blasts politicians for causing US government shutdown
Rep. Pence Dares Dems to Shutdown the Government
Con Job: Planned Parenthood Flip-Flop By Rep. Pence (R-IN)
CNN: Rep. Pence: 'It's time to pick a fight'
Rep. Mike Pence: Obama Signals More Spending in State of the Union